Autel MaxiPRO MP808TS comes with advanced diagnosis with complete TPMS function help users detect tire pressure; along with Oil/EPB/SAS/BMS/DPF/ IMMO and ABS/SRS services for accuracy and efficient vehicle diagnostic results. It supports multiple languages. Only need 4 steps can change the language you desire easily.
Autel MP808TS languages available:
English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Swedish, Korean, Japanese, Russian, Italian and traditional Chinese
Step-by-step guide to change language for MaxiPRO MP808TS:
Step 1: Offer the SN of your Autel MP808TS diagnostic tool and the language you want to customer service
Note: the Serial number can be found on the back of the device is shown as below.
Step 2: Enter MP808TS tablet, select “Settings”->” Language”-> Choose language
Step 3: Select “Settings”-> “System settings”-> Language & input-> Choose language
Step 4: Reboot and ready to update
More info about Autel MaxiPRO MP808TS: