This article updates the content for Yanhua Mini ACDP BMW CAS3/CAS3+ Keys Programming Tutorials.
Yanhua Mini ACDP BMW IMMO & Odometer Module (Item NO.SK313) Needs to work with Yanhua Mini ACDP Programming Master (Item NO.SK247).
Operation Procedures:
First of all, we need to remove the CAS3 module of the vehicle
CAS3 module is under the steering wheel
Now, let’s check all the stuff we need. W need CAS3 module, 20 PIN cable, ACDP host, OBP+ICP adapter, BAV-KEY adapter.
Install the cooper pillar>>Align DI-D4 test points. Vertical press down the CAS3 interface board>>Lock the board with copper pillar
We can see as long as the four test points are aligned, then all test points are aligned.
Now, we need to connect the OBD+ICP adapter and BDM01 adapter. And connect ACDP host and OBD+ICP adapter, remember to power up the ACDP host.
Check APP Operation here:
Tap “ACDP”>>BMW>>cas1-4>>CAS3/CAS3+>>ICP Mode
Then, select option based on “Mask ID”>>IMMO>>Step 1: Read the CAS data>>OK to confirm the Prompt
We can see the Detection results. Pin detection passed. If detection fails, please check and clean the test points.
Check the VIN number and mileage Completed!
It’s time for “Step 2: Generate Dealer Keys”>>Add key(With work key
Check the key information: key ID, blank key or not.
Get the Total Vehicle Information.
Remove the blank key from the BAV adapter and place the key in the BAV adapter.
Take out the work key, put in the blank key again. Click OK.
We can choose any blank key channel for key learning.
Select option based on the key type.
Generating dealer key...
A big Success! Use the added dealer key to see if it works normally in our cars
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